Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I'm terrified. I think one of my friends is going into a scary depression and I don't know what I should do about it. I've already been through this with one of my other friends and it was one of the scariest things I've ever been through. I really hope this isn't the same thing as that, but if it is, I think I'm going to have to get help again. I'm practically in tears right now and if anyone could offer me some comfort, it would be greatly appreciated.

Trying really hard not let my tears fall,



Jim Park said...
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Jim Park said...
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Jim Park said...

I know this is about the corniest thing I could possibly do, but I just can't help but smile when I hear this song.

(I screwed up the link the first 2 comments)

Just around the corner,
There's a rainbow in the sky,
So let's have another cup of coffee,
And let's have another piece of pie.

Trouble's like a bubble,
And the clouds will soon roll by,
So let's have another cup of coffee,
And let's have another piece of pie.

Let a smile be your umbrella,
For it's just an April shower,
Even John D. Rockefeller
Is looking for the silver lining!

Clay said...


ok, now that that is out of my system. ; )

no need to worry. all will be ok soon... um... um...... don't worry!!!!this wouldn't be the first time. i have gottent through this before, so, just, don't worry. ^_^