Sunday, October 28, 2007

Strange Dreams

So my new boyfriend is haunting my dreams. No joke. He's all I dreamt of last night and the night before. What is happening to me? What happened to me being afraid of love? Of getting hurt? Well I guess that's all gone up in flames now, huh? I guess I'll just have to succumb to these feelings and just wing it. If it doesn't work out, it won't be the end of my life.

Feeling overwhelmed,


Saturday, October 27, 2007

Full Moon = Weird

Okay, so that whole, 'staying single' thing didn't exactly go according to plan. My friend from French class whom I've had a crush on for the past month, asked me out last night, during the full moon. Three guesses as to what my answer was...

So the only thing I'm afraid of now is awkward situations and stuff like that, but I think of it this way; it takes two people to make a situation awkward, so I just have to be loose and myself around him. Right?

Convinced the full moon has powers,


Sunday, October 21, 2007

Busy Sunday

Well instead of working on homework all day like I'd planned, my family and I will be going to a pumpkin farm for an hour and a half to pick out pumpkins that we probably won't even carve. But it's tradition, so I'm not complaining. It just means that I'm going to have to work a little faster on homework than I had planned, considering I was also counting on a bike ride afterwords before dinner, which I will probably have to help make. I know, a lot for a Sunday, but this is what happens when people spend all Saturday sleeping.

I'm also having romantic ups and downs, but I'm refusing to say any more than that. I'm just feeling frustrated and exhilarated all at the same time. I think I need that bike ride now......

Needing time to think,


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My God Forsaken Project

So I've been working on a project for the past hour and a half and can barely keep my eyes open. I also have to present the project either today or tomorrow and am not looking forward to it considering I have no idea what to say and half of it has to be in French. It sucks, but I guess I'll live.

Awaiting sleep,


PS; I would like to apologize for my previous icon, the one with the flower. I wasn't aware that I wasn't supposed to do that, so I apologize to whomever owns it (I don't obviously) and I removed it as soon as I found out. Again, I'm really sorry and it will never happen again, I promise!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Weird Day

So today I got into a fight with my brother (what else is new), but this time he said some things that really hit me and I realized just how big of a b**** I have been being these past few weeks. I mean, I've been under a lot of stress and everything, but I guess that's no excuse. So I apologized to basically everyone in my family who I had hurt and cried about a bucket of tears (again, something new?) for absolutely no reason. Today has been a strange day.

Not only that, but I've decided no more romance talk on here unless I get really serious. I mean, because of my luck with guys lately, it may be time for a long awaited break anyway. Maybe I should just stay single for a while and see how it goes. Or maybe not. I guess I'll just need a little convincing to get me back out there. But until a guy who can do that comes along, I think I'll just stick to drinking hot chocolate in my robe and slippers and watching a good chick flick.

Feeling weird,


Monday, October 15, 2007


Well, I actually made it through alive! Surprise! Didn't snag any hearts, but didn't break any either, so I'm not complaining. Now I have projects to work on and other homework to do before tomorrow. Just as I make it over one hill, I run into another. But ah well. Better an ant hill than a mountain. And homework is a definite ant hill, while homecoming is Mt. Everest.

Still in my sweat pants and tank at three in the afternoon,


Saturday, October 13, 2007


Yes, it's that time of year again. That time when girls spend an extra few minutes in front of the mirror, just so they might get a date for the dreaded event. Homecoming. Who's idea was it anyway to have girls be degraded by their boob size or weight. And it isn't only hard on the girls, but the guys too. They are so freaked to go alone that they will ask anyone, not even caring if they sound as if they are only asking to have a date. Which they do, and they are.

And yet, the day before, we all get butterflies in our stomachs and spend hours doing hair and makeup. It doesn't make sense and I expect it never will.

Pray that I make it through alive.

Always nervous,
