Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Tuesday - Free...... For Now

Well, today is one of the few days where my family has nothing planned. So, I convinced my mom and bro to take me to the movies to see Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix which I've been dying to see. I'm also going to try to convince my dad to let two of my best friends come over to hang out. We haven't seen each other in a long time and I miss them! Normally, I would say that we could go the pool, but it looks like rain outside. Ah well, we could probably entertain each other with gossip and chick flicks!

Needing a day off,


Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm officially back from camping! Yay! I had fun, but the whole trip was longer than it needed to be. Next time, I think we should spend two nights tops, and leave the dog with a neighbor. It feels so good to be home! I showered for a good forty five minutes as soon as I entered the doorway. It felt so good! Now I can stay up as late as I want and sleep in as late as I want! It feels great to have these freedoms again!

I had flag corps practice tonight too, and had tons of fun! Our captain is back from vacation, and put a smile on all of our faces! We were having a great time trying to work on the new moves and our hands were black by the end of practice. It was worth the five minute scrubbing I had to do when I got home!

Feeling good,


Thursday, July 12, 2007

Goodbye Boys, Hello RV

Well, the boys have officially said their goodbyes. It's sad, but we're keeping our chins up and hoping that they will visit sometime before next summer. On a brighter side, my other neighbor's grand kids will be in next weekend. They visit a lot more often, but we still miss them also.

Tomorrow morning, my mother, bro and I all leave to go camping with my grandmother in her RV. An hour drive to her house and then three and a half hours after that. Fun, right? At least it's something to occupy our time! We're staying for three nights, so it will be exciting, but we will all be ready to get home. My dad can't stand small places, so he will be at home, caring for our dog and our neighbor's rabbits (whom we're looking after while they're at a wedding for the weekend). We'll miss him terribly, but it will be great to get out of the house. I need a little change in scenery once in a while.

Trying to forget about the boys,


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Summer Madness

Our nightly firefly catching has evolved into rousing Uno Attack games! Much more fun, seeing as fireflies began to lose their spark (no pun intended). It's been great seeing these guys again, but I'm going to miss them a lot when they leave Friday morning. I hate it when friends go away. Especially since we won't see these boys until next summer! It just makes me sad.

I miss my other friends too, but I hardly have any time to see anyone. Between my flag corps practices, my lifeguard training, and my family's plans, I hardly have enough time to dress in the morning, let alone plan a gathering of friends! My mom, bro, and I are all going camping with my grandmother until Monday morning. Then the next weekend, I'm going to a local Border's for the midnight release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows with friends. Then the next morning, I'm going on an overnight camping trip with a bunch of friends. Then the weekend after that, my family and I are leaving for our week long vacation out west.

For those of you out there who have no plans and are complaining about how bored you are, count your blessings. You could end up like me; feeling as if summer is no better than school. Worse even because of the heat! But I'm thankful that I have so much to do. It means that I actually have people who care about where I am and who I'm with! There's always a bright side to everything!

Feeling overwhelmed,


Saturday, July 7, 2007

Ann Arbor

Today, I look forward to going up to Ann Arbor and shopping (not like I have a lot of money to spend anyway; I blew most of it on books a few days ago) with my family. I love going up there and seeing the beautiful campuses and cute little shops. I'm actually thinking about going to school up there in a few years. Scary thought now, but maybe that's just because I'm still getting used to high school.

Anyway, it looks like a beautiful day here, so hopefully we won't be rained on! Hope all you bloggers get to enjoy a sunny day too!

Always keeping my chin up,


Friday, July 6, 2007


Was up 'till ten thirty last night catching fireflies with my bro and our neighbor's grandkids (two boys, one older, one younger). We had fun and shared a lot of laughs, which was good, considering we see these boys once a year. They always visit for a week in the summer, though, and every year we spend almost every night catching fireflies. We live close to a forest, so our yards tend to be filled with them any time after eight. Looking forward to doing it again tonight!

I also power walked with my mom today, which was fun. It not only gave us time to talk, but we also got some exercise in, which my mom claims to need (she doesn't). How often do all of you fellow bloggers exercise? Once a week, or once a month? Come on, tell the truth!

Feeling good about myself,


Thursday, July 5, 2007


Today we start projects. Fun. For the past month, my mother has been continuously talking about all of these projects that she's going to do while she's on vacation. Well guess what! She's on vacation! And she needs help (aka; me) in order to finish said projects! YEY! *cough*not*cough* Ah well. At least it's something to do.

Summer is such a bitter sweet season. You're glad that school/work is over, but you also get so bored. No longer do you see people outside of your family every day. And if you're like me and my family, we can get very sick of each other in a short amount of time. Don't get me wrong, I love them all to bits, but we tend to annoy the heck out of each other. Do any of you fellow bloggers have crazy families like mine? I'd like to hear about them!

About ready to strangle someone,


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Testing, testing, 1... 2... 3...

Hey all you bloggers out there!

Happy Fourth of July for those of you in the US. I hope you all have someone to sit with while you're being eaten alive by mosquitoes and trying to enjoy giant flashes of color in the sky that all start to look the same after awhile! Actually, I really do enjoy this holiday. It gives me and my crazy family an excuse to spend more time together, which we never find much time to do these days. So whether it's just your dog or a huge group of people, I hope you're not alone. And if you are, count your blessings for having peace in your life! There's always a bright side!

Where my family and I sit, however, it looks like rain! Ah well, it wouldn't be the first year!

Hope you all have a good Fourth!

Feeling the heat,
