Sunday, December 16, 2007

Let's NOT Party!

So today my mom has her party which I have to help out with. It starts at four, but up until that point, I have a mountain of homework to do and like four rooms to clean. I also have to help my mom cook all of the food. Then, before the people get here, I have to change into a very warm sweater and probably a skirt (grrr....) and go through hell trying not to itch at my leggings and suffer through a bunch of women commenting on my hair, my height, my WEIGHT, and my age. "Now what grade are you in dearie?" And then I have to fight back a grumble and cheerfully as I can without sounding fake, I say, "Ninth." Then they all chuckle (for what reason I don't ever know. It's not like I said anything funny) and go on about what it was like to be in ninth grade, even though they probably don't even remember one thing about being a freshman.

At least there's a bunch of really good food.......

Dreading the rest of the day,


1 comment:

Clay said...

yeah yeah yeah! you got your wish (again) and there was no party. let's all hope for school so we can get our scripts. Taylor, wish for school and it will happen! ^_^