Monday, December 3, 2007

Okay Day After All

Okay, so I'll admit that today wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. The solo thing ended up being better than I thought and I think I'll get it with a LOT of practice. Plus, my friend who's doing it with me is just as confused as me, so I feel a bit better. I do have a lot of homework tonight, but I'll get it all done eventually. Panara for dinner (yum!!) and dad's home tonight, so overall, I think I'll survive. Just a lot of studying tonight and my study hall tomorrow will be definitely used, but other than that, I think I was just making a big deal out of nothing. As soon as tomorrow's over, I'll be fine. Plus, if I ace this Science test, I'll get my H back! I'm still mad that I flunked that pop quiz........

In a better mood than this morning,


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