Wednesday, November 28, 2007

A Little Bit Of Crazy Madness

So I'm watching Elizabethtown, one of the weirdest, most confusing, and most random movies I have ever seen, and thinking about the day I've had (and the one my friends had). Today was one of the weirdest days I've lived. I had a planned two hour delay, so I got up at seven fifteen, which I never do, I completely forgot to eat breakfast, I didn't pack my lunch or buy it at the school cafeteria, I had a friend receive the most beautiful love letter ever written along with the most breathtaking piece of jewelry I've ever seen, I fought and then laughed with my first ex-boyfriend from last winter, I had a pizza party in Geometry, I was actually sad that our sub wouldn't be teaching us anymore, I blew bubbles with bubble gum (I don't chew gum) in Science class, I actually understood what was going on in Science class, I practiced the flute for the first time in ages, and I actually didn't care one bit that my love life is perfectly and wholesomely nonexistant. Sure, I have a crush on one of my newest guy friends, but I'm actually content with it going positively nowhere anytime soon. I'm happy being single and I'm happy being able to flirt and have fun and enjoy having no boyfriend to bring that to an end. God, what has happened to me?!

Well I guess the fact that even though this friend recieved the letter and necklace and she still doesn't know what she's going to do about it, makes me feel that my love life, for once in my life, is not on the spotlight even the tiniest bit because no one cares and hardly anyone knows about this crush of mine. And so she doesn't know if she even likes him while he's professed his love to her (which she and I discussed shouldn't even exist as he doesn't even know her) and presented her with a timeless gem and she can't even except it. I feel that I should be able to do more than just talk her through it, but maybe I just have to accept that I can't fix everything and that I should be okay with that if I'm to live my life 100% happily. I know that I'm analyzing a lot right now, but just go along with it. I get this way when I've seen a lot of movies, which I have today. I also watched You Have Mail and loved it once again. That movie makes me think so much and I can't always tell if that's a good thing or not. I guess it is, considering thinking is almost never a bad thing, but I don't know. I'm now rambling and I feel as though I should be writing something at least a little more significant than what I am.

Do you know what I realized also? The names of the two main characters in Elizabethtown are the exact same as two of my friends' names! They may like each other, but I don't really know what's going to happen there, but I think this Elizabethtown thing might be some sort of sign. I think I was supposed to see that and maybe that's the answer we've been looking for. Maybe.......

On my way to e-mail my discovery (though she'll most likely read it here anyway),


1 comment:

Clay said...

or watch the movie with you over the weekend! lol! I still can't get over the whole name thing! Claire, Drew, it is all too weird! we act the same, and if the forever long phone convo. isn't enough of a sign idk what might be, but i am still trying to figure out what it is that i am feeling/seeing/i don't even know anymore.

That day was totally and compleatly odd! and i loved every minute of it, but i still don't know what i am going to do. well, actually, i think i do. Tomorrow i am going to do it too. i don't care about the horescope anymore. i need it done and overwith. help!

well, um, yeah, gots to go and finish reading your updates, so, yeah! ^_^