Tuesday, January 1, 2008

It's Not A Hangover, I Promise

I had so much fun last night, but now I feel sick to my stomach and I don't think I can even talk. I also have the beginnings of a headache and don't really feel like studying, even though I know I have to otherwise I'll pretty much just die later. So.....

Last night, details, right... Okay, so my friends and I had kinda like a party, only it was only four of us. We played Guitar Hero III and danced to funky music and had this strobe light thing going on.... it was fun. I didn't end up sleeping until two last night, but hey, I missed them all a lot so it was good to see them again.

I should probably run through my script today as well as study.... ug.... truthfully and honestly, I just want to go back to bed......

About ready to say 'screw it all!',



1 comment:

Clay said...

HAPPY NEW YEARS... AGAIN! lol! yeah, that was a lot of fun! ^_^ we should get together like that again... just, not at my house. *groan* never again! lol.