Wednesday, June 11, 2008

goodbye tears!

alright, so today's filming wasn't TOO horrible. i didn't end up shedding a tear, but all i had to do was act upset and my director said it was perfectly believable and even if we don't end up being happy with it we can come back and shoot it on a different day.

so yeah. drama over. now i've got to figure out HOW i'm going to get through MAKING OUT with my romantic opposite. and he really likes me. and i don't like him back. can we say AWKWARD??? well, at least i can make it believable. i just hope he doesn't make it awkward. :-/

ah well. i'm not filming tomorrow, so that's all i care about right now.

oh, and i started summer gym today. fun. NOT!

so now i'm tired, yucky, and my hair is disgusting, so i'm going to go shower, make popcorn, and then read a book for the rest of the night.

my phone will be plugged in so that no one can bother me either. *cough*stupidboy*cough*

oh! but before i go, i must report a most unusual sighting in the neigborhood!

a few days ago, i needed a new bathing suit so my mom and i were going shopping. so we're coming home from shopping and we want to pick up my brother and his friend so that we can all go to a couple of garage sales. well, as we were going down our street to pick up said brother and friend, my mom points out this guy who neither of us have seen before. and he's doing something to the pathway of one of our widower's house. and he's kinda sorta gorgeous.

maybe sixteen or seventeen, he had this really shaggy black hair that i would DIE for. (i love guys with black hair) and he gave me this look as we passed by. it wasn't a look i'd ever seen before. and it wasn't flirtatious (which makes sense b/c i was kinda disgusting then too AND had my glasses on), but it wasn't a 'you're really weird' look either. idk what it was.

and then we saw him again on the way home from going to the garage sales and this time he was sitting in the same yard, leaning against a tree right next to the road, and talking on his cell phone. kinda weird, but i've seen weirder.

i was thinking about it later that day and decided that if i saw him again i would introduce myself.

i haven't seen him since, however.

well, i just thought i'd share that tidbit of info into my home life. that's the most that's happened in a while, so, as you can tell, things have been pretty quiet.

alright, well i'm going to go shower now so that i feel better.

feels a lot better,


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