Well, I just finished writing and editing the second chapter of The Spirit Sisters, however, I'm going to give it one more look over tomorrow before I post it. I promise it will be ready to be viewed by Monday morning.
Okay, so that's all about the new site, let's talk about my auditions on Monday. That's right, Winter One Acts are almost over (two more weeks) and the Spring Play is underway (I totally didn't mean to rhyme). It's called the Odd Couple and our school is putting on both a male and female version. My audition is on Monday and I've already got a monologue picked out and shakily memorized. I just have to dedicate tomorrow to rehearsing it and I'll be set! It's weird, though, because I'm not as nervous for these auditions as I was for One Acts and I can't figure out why. Maybe it's because I have experience now or that I feel more comfortable acting, but none of those reasons seem right. I don't know, maybe I'm just being weird. It wouldn't be the first time.
I'm babysitting my brother tonight and have no idea what we're going to do. He'll want to play the Wii or some other video game, which is okay, but they tend to give me a headache after a while.
I got to go shopping today too. I got a sketch book for my Photojournalism class and then spent the last hour and a half cutting pics out of magazines to glue into it. I'm really excited about this class and can't wait to start using my cameras.
So that's me. After having the worst week ever, I think I'm having a pretty good weekend.
Loving the feeling of being home alone to gather my thoughts,
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Old Exams and New Classes
So yes, I have come up with an idea, which, weirdly enough, I came up with in the shower yet AGAIN. That place is magic apparently. Or just the hiding place of the plot bunny. Either one.
So comments would be VERY appreciated. Even views or reads.... or ANYTHING! Come on people. You don't want me to beg, do you?
So enough about the new site, let's talk about exam results.
Let's just say that I did okay, but not great. All B's so far, and I still haven't gotten World Studies or Science back. I thought that was okay until I came home from school today and told my father, who didn't really even react, and then told my mother and basically bantered with her about my studying habits, and so yeah. I'm not exactly in the best mood right now, and it doesn't help that it's a full moon and my whole astronological clock is WAY out of wack, causing me to lash out at people and sink into a lull that won't seem to go away.
So lets just say that I really don't want to cry right now, so I'm just going to stop writing about this. New topic.
How about my new classes? Well, first is my new Study Hall, which sux btw. I don't sit my any of my A+ buddies, so I'm lonely and loveless. The only bright side is that I do sit by one of my French buddies from last year, so I'm not completely alone. I still felt lonely, though.
So then I had a different lunch period. It was actually better than I'd expected, but, again, because of my wacked astronological clock, I was tired and not really in the mood to deal with the drama that normally goes along with lunch. The bright side is that I'm the only girl (it IS a bright side, believe me), so that way I don't have to worry about more drama. Believe me, I get enough of that on my own.
Lastly, I had a new Photo Journalism class. I'm looking forward to making these journals my new teacher talked about, but I'm very lonely in that class. No one I'm close to is in that class and I'm going to be alone. Fun, but maybe it's a good thing that I have a class all to myself without anyone there to remind me of my dramatic and stressful life. Can you tell that I'm a little down right now? I guess my optimism goes out the window after having a day like mine.
Yeah, so that's me. I was just cheered up by my friend, though, who complimented some pics of mine, so I feel a bit better, but I could still use some chocolate if anyone's got any to spare...
Going to go listen to some inspiring lyrics and pray that they help,
So comments would be VERY appreciated. Even views or reads.... or ANYTHING! Come on people. You don't want me to beg, do you?
So enough about the new site, let's talk about exam results.
Let's just say that I did okay, but not great. All B's so far, and I still haven't gotten World Studies or Science back. I thought that was okay until I came home from school today and told my father, who didn't really even react, and then told my mother and basically bantered with her about my studying habits, and so yeah. I'm not exactly in the best mood right now, and it doesn't help that it's a full moon and my whole astronological clock is WAY out of wack, causing me to lash out at people and sink into a lull that won't seem to go away.
So lets just say that I really don't want to cry right now, so I'm just going to stop writing about this. New topic.
How about my new classes? Well, first is my new Study Hall, which sux btw. I don't sit my any of my A+ buddies, so I'm lonely and loveless. The only bright side is that I do sit by one of my French buddies from last year, so I'm not completely alone. I still felt lonely, though.
So then I had a different lunch period. It was actually better than I'd expected, but, again, because of my wacked astronological clock, I was tired and not really in the mood to deal with the drama that normally goes along with lunch. The bright side is that I'm the only girl (it IS a bright side, believe me), so that way I don't have to worry about more drama. Believe me, I get enough of that on my own.
Lastly, I had a new Photo Journalism class. I'm looking forward to making these journals my new teacher talked about, but I'm very lonely in that class. No one I'm close to is in that class and I'm going to be alone. Fun, but maybe it's a good thing that I have a class all to myself without anyone there to remind me of my dramatic and stressful life. Can you tell that I'm a little down right now? I guess my optimism goes out the window after having a day like mine.
Yeah, so that's me. I was just cheered up by my friend, though, who complimented some pics of mine, so I feel a bit better, but I could still use some chocolate if anyone's got any to spare...
Going to go listen to some inspiring lyrics and pray that they help,
Family Stress,
Other Website,
School Stress,
Whatever's Clever
Friday, January 18, 2008
Bringing Back Miss Outspoken Writer (for those of you who knew this blog in its earlier days)
Okay, so I was getting out of the shower and washing my face and brushing my teeth and stuff, and I started thinking. I haven't written in a long time. I'm a writer who hasn't written a true story in at least five months. It then hit me how empty I felt without it. I used to write all the time. And then high school happened. Ask anyone, I would write all the time, and now I don't. Maybe it's lack of time or lack of energy, but I started feeling empty and horrible... And then I had a brilliant idea.
I'm going to start writting again, and I'm thinking (and only thinking, people, don't get excited yet) that maybe, maybe, I'll actually make another blog/website, but have it all be random installments of one of my stories! Now, keep in mind that I would have to brainstorm a really fantastic plot line in order to do this and that it might end up being a couple weekly installments, and then a couple of monthly installments, but I think I could possibly do it. I don't currently know for sure if I'm going to do it, but I would like to know everyone's opinions on the subject.
So now, without further ado, I think I'm going to go and start writting down one of my many thought bubbles. Maybe if enough people comment on this, I'll post it here! Hey, I've done it before (check MUCH earlier entries), and I might do it again, even if this whole idea doesn't work out.
Feeling inspired,
I'm going to start writting again, and I'm thinking (and only thinking, people, don't get excited yet) that maybe, maybe, I'll actually make another blog/website, but have it all be random installments of one of my stories! Now, keep in mind that I would have to brainstorm a really fantastic plot line in order to do this and that it might end up being a couple weekly installments, and then a couple of monthly installments, but I think I could possibly do it. I don't currently know for sure if I'm going to do it, but I would like to know everyone's opinions on the subject.
So now, without further ado, I think I'm going to go and start writting down one of my many thought bubbles. Maybe if enough people comment on this, I'll post it here! Hey, I've done it before (check MUCH earlier entries), and I might do it again, even if this whole idea doesn't work out.
Feeling inspired,
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Exams, Exams, and More Exams
I feel so burnt out right now that it's not even a little bit funny. I truely just want to crawl under the covers and stay there for the rest of my life.
Yesterday's exams went okay. Turns out Health was my hardest and I got a B on it (he told us), so I should at least get B's on the rest of the ones I took yesterday. Today I just have French, which I'm praying is mostly multiple choice and matching...
I'm terrified for tomorrow, though. Geometry shouldn't be impossible, but Science might be. I HATE Science with a burning passion and I don't understand hardly anything. I'm going to have to study my butt off tonight just to pass. Wish me luck.
I'm getting a migrane just thinking about all of this.
On a short fuse this morning,
Yesterday's exams went okay. Turns out Health was my hardest and I got a B on it (he told us), so I should at least get B's on the rest of the ones I took yesterday. Today I just have French, which I'm praying is mostly multiple choice and matching...
I'm terrified for tomorrow, though. Geometry shouldn't be impossible, but Science might be. I HATE Science with a burning passion and I don't understand hardly anything. I'm going to have to study my butt off tonight just to pass. Wish me luck.
I'm getting a migrane just thinking about all of this.
On a short fuse this morning,
Sunday, January 13, 2008
I Want A Nap
I can hardly keep my eyes open at almost four in the afternoon. Something's seriously wrong here. I have been working for the past two hours and am really, really, really tired. Seriously, I think I'm going to go take a nap soon.
Exams are three days away and I'm going to be working my butt off until that point, so why can't I take a three hour nap until dinner??? Because I've got to study for PRE EXAMS FOR TOMORROW!!! The next twenty minutes are the only break I'm giving myself before I go back to the books. *yawns so big her mouth hurts* By the time this is all over, I'm going to be so tired that I'll probably fall asleep in the middle of an exam, and then I'll be screwed over for life. Great. No pressure or anything.
Plus, it doesn't help that I got, like, NO sleep last night b/c of my stupid cough. I swear, I've had it for like three weeks now, and it's STILL not going away. According to my mom, it could last another three weeks. Great.
The only plus side right now is that my favorite movie is on cable tonight at six. I'm recording it b/c of course I'll be too busy either studying, helping with dinner, or eating dinner to actually watch it. Thankfully I'm planning on stopping all of my madness at eight to watch it. Yeah, I'm going to crawl into a sweatshirt and sweat pants and curl up in a ball with a gallon of rainbow sherbert and probably sob my way through half of it (it's a very sad movie).
So. Yeah. That's my current situation. I'm also incredably alone right now b/c my parents had to take my bro to his b-ball game and I had to stay home and study. My only companion is my dog, who is currently curled up around my feet, trying to keep them warm (I never wear socks, so my feet are always freezing). So comments would be appreciated.
Slowly entering a dream world,
Exams are three days away and I'm going to be working my butt off until that point, so why can't I take a three hour nap until dinner??? Because I've got to study for PRE EXAMS FOR TOMORROW!!! The next twenty minutes are the only break I'm giving myself before I go back to the books. *yawns so big her mouth hurts* By the time this is all over, I'm going to be so tired that I'll probably fall asleep in the middle of an exam, and then I'll be screwed over for life. Great. No pressure or anything.
Plus, it doesn't help that I got, like, NO sleep last night b/c of my stupid cough. I swear, I've had it for like three weeks now, and it's STILL not going away. According to my mom, it could last another three weeks. Great.
The only plus side right now is that my favorite movie is on cable tonight at six. I'm recording it b/c of course I'll be too busy either studying, helping with dinner, or eating dinner to actually watch it. Thankfully I'm planning on stopping all of my madness at eight to watch it. Yeah, I'm going to crawl into a sweatshirt and sweat pants and curl up in a ball with a gallon of rainbow sherbert and probably sob my way through half of it (it's a very sad movie).
So. Yeah. That's my current situation. I'm also incredably alone right now b/c my parents had to take my bro to his b-ball game and I had to stay home and study. My only companion is my dog, who is currently curled up around my feet, trying to keep them warm (I never wear socks, so my feet are always freezing). So comments would be appreciated.
Slowly entering a dream world,
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Work, Rehersal, and Pep Band
Okay, so at work two days ago, my boss actually offered to have me teach my own class (for those of you who don't know, I help teach swim lessons every Thursday)!!! It was a class of mostly three to five year olds and they were SOOOO CUTE!!! I ended up spliting the class with another teacher b/c there were like ten of them and no one can handle ten kids on their own, but it was so much fun! I think pretty soon I'm going to get my own class to instruct without anyone's help and I'm so looking forward to it. I LOVE my job and am not planning on leaving any time soon!
On another note, yesterday I had the longest day ever. After school, I had rehersal for One Acts, and one of my friends wasn't planning on going, but apparently my goading and our other friend's goading finally persuaded him to go, so my father and I gave him a ride. But before we could go to rehersal, we had to go pick up my brother from school, which ment going inside our old elementary school. You should have seen him. We had so much fun commenting on how cute and small everything was and I swear we squealed at least fifty times! Then, we finally got out of there and to rehersal at our director's house. After a quick snack, we headed down into her basement to start rehersing and had a lot of fun. I had only been to one rehersal before that, and at my first one I had been nervous and a little intimidated, but at this one, I felt a lot more comfortable. Maybe it was the fact that everyone was there or that I had pretty much memorized my lines, but I felt a lot better. Anyway, so after two hours of rehersed cat fights, screaming, hugging, fainting, and arm movements, I had to get picked up early to go to pep band. Fun, right? Not really. By this time, I was tired, had a minor headache, and my wisdom teeth had started to ache for no reason. But I didn't even get to go home before pep band, nope, I had to go straight there. And this wasn't any old pep band, either, no of course not. It was a double header! First a girl's basketball game, and then a boy's. I basically spend the whole night talking to my flutest friend and pretty much lost my voice after that.
When I got home last night, I was dead on my feet, hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and could barely stand. I had fun, it was just the longest possible day ever.
Now, at around two, I'm going to pick up my friend and we're going to go to the library with our study group and work on a stupid english project that's due right when exams are over. Don't get me started on how wrong this is, or I will seriously just ramble on more than I already am.
Feeling like skipping down the street,
On another note, yesterday I had the longest day ever. After school, I had rehersal for One Acts, and one of my friends wasn't planning on going, but apparently my goading and our other friend's goading finally persuaded him to go, so my father and I gave him a ride. But before we could go to rehersal, we had to go pick up my brother from school, which ment going inside our old elementary school. You should have seen him. We had so much fun commenting on how cute and small everything was and I swear we squealed at least fifty times! Then, we finally got out of there and to rehersal at our director's house. After a quick snack, we headed down into her basement to start rehersing and had a lot of fun. I had only been to one rehersal before that, and at my first one I had been nervous and a little intimidated, but at this one, I felt a lot more comfortable. Maybe it was the fact that everyone was there or that I had pretty much memorized my lines, but I felt a lot better. Anyway, so after two hours of rehersed cat fights, screaming, hugging, fainting, and arm movements, I had to get picked up early to go to pep band. Fun, right? Not really. By this time, I was tired, had a minor headache, and my wisdom teeth had started to ache for no reason. But I didn't even get to go home before pep band, nope, I had to go straight there. And this wasn't any old pep band, either, no of course not. It was a double header! First a girl's basketball game, and then a boy's. I basically spend the whole night talking to my flutest friend and pretty much lost my voice after that.
When I got home last night, I was dead on my feet, hadn't eaten anything since lunch, and could barely stand. I had fun, it was just the longest possible day ever.
Now, at around two, I'm going to pick up my friend and we're going to go to the library with our study group and work on a stupid english project that's due right when exams are over. Don't get me started on how wrong this is, or I will seriously just ramble on more than I already am.
Feeling like skipping down the street,
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Exams And Everything That Goes Along With Them
Okay, so I officially HATE exams. In about fifteen minutes, I have to make a three page cheat sheet for my World Studies class, which is going to take FOREVER. I also have to make flashcards, though I don't really remember what for (which could cause a bit of a problem).
I missed a drama club meeting after school because I was so tired and distracted that I completely blanked, and didn't remember until my dad brought it up a half hour after it had ended.
I also had three quizzes and a test today. The test I actually think I did okay on, the first quiz I pretty much failed (but we take three a week, so they're really not worth much), the second quiz I actually aced, and the third quiz I honestly have no idea how I did on. In all reality, I'm pretty nervous about it, but I'm at least sure I passed.
And (if you can believe there's more), I didn't sleep well at all because of this stupid cough I've had for the past week. Instead of going away like I thought it would, it's just getting worse (I'll go into random fits now, and not be able to stop no matter how much water I drink) and now it's costing me sleep. I finally let my dad call the doctor, so I've officially declared war. Oh, it's on, bacteria, it's on.
So that's pretty much my day so far. I know, nothing positive, but it's hard to find positivity when you're too preoccupied with the pressure of exams. Hmm... something positive to say... how about the fact that I laughed today? That's positive, right? I mean, I always laugh in Science class (Jim and Claire know why, especially today). Ah, the wonder that is ninth period. It reminds me of my double period of social studies last year. Good times, good times...
Suddenly missing the simplicity of eighth grade,
I missed a drama club meeting after school because I was so tired and distracted that I completely blanked, and didn't remember until my dad brought it up a half hour after it had ended.
I also had three quizzes and a test today. The test I actually think I did okay on, the first quiz I pretty much failed (but we take three a week, so they're really not worth much), the second quiz I actually aced, and the third quiz I honestly have no idea how I did on. In all reality, I'm pretty nervous about it, but I'm at least sure I passed.
And (if you can believe there's more), I didn't sleep well at all because of this stupid cough I've had for the past week. Instead of going away like I thought it would, it's just getting worse (I'll go into random fits now, and not be able to stop no matter how much water I drink) and now it's costing me sleep. I finally let my dad call the doctor, so I've officially declared war. Oh, it's on, bacteria, it's on.
So that's pretty much my day so far. I know, nothing positive, but it's hard to find positivity when you're too preoccupied with the pressure of exams. Hmm... something positive to say... how about the fact that I laughed today? That's positive, right? I mean, I always laugh in Science class (Jim and Claire know why, especially today). Ah, the wonder that is ninth period. It reminds me of my double period of social studies last year. Good times, good times...
Suddenly missing the simplicity of eighth grade,
Missed Meetings,
School Stress,
Friday, January 4, 2008
Long Awaited Update
I'm sooooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in forever! It's just I've had other things to do and tons of stuff on my mind to deal with. Not that anything has really gotten accomplished or any of my thoughts sorted out, but you know, I felt bad about lack of updates!
So here's my current story; I was walking home from the bus stop with tons of books not only in my backpack, but also in my arms b/c I'm supposed to prepare for exams this weekend and get myself organized. So I'm walking, and normally the walk isn't that long, but normally I don't have fifty pounds on my back and another fifty pounds in my arms, so I'm walking slowly and my arms are killing me. So I'm halfway there, and I slip on a patch of ice and fall onto the street. I swear I pulled at least ten muscles and got a nice sized bruise on my hip and another on my knee. I'm then half tempted just to frickin' leave everything there and just limp home without my homework, but I know that I can't, so I have to heave myself up back onto my feet, with my backpack still on my back, and my books still in my arms. By the time I got home, my arms were trembling from the weight and my legs were about ready to give out, but I finally made it through the door and I pretty much just dumped it all on the staircase. I haven't even changed out of my boots yet, I just hobbled to the computer.
So that was my most recent story. Trust me, there's more where that came from.
Let's talk about exams and my schedual for this weekend. I have to work pretty much nonstop, making flash cards for everything and taking notes on what I need to study for each subject. Six exams. Six subjects. Six sets of notes. At LEAST six sets of flash cards. And the sucky part is that I can't NOT study or my parents will kill me and I can't procrastinate this stuff or I will never be able to pass, and THEN my parent's will kill me. So either, I go through this torture this weekend and get it over with, or get grounded from now until my birthday. I think you know which one I'm going to choose.
So I guess I won't be able to post all weekend, but come Monday, I'll continue to keep you updated (if I'm still alive by then).
Dreading walking again,
PS; A big happy birthday shout out to my brother! Eleven years old this Sunday!
PPS; Did I mention that Saturday night and Sunday morning will be filled with four fifth grade boys laughing and screaming and running everywhere? Bring on the Asprin...
So here's my current story; I was walking home from the bus stop with tons of books not only in my backpack, but also in my arms b/c I'm supposed to prepare for exams this weekend and get myself organized. So I'm walking, and normally the walk isn't that long, but normally I don't have fifty pounds on my back and another fifty pounds in my arms, so I'm walking slowly and my arms are killing me. So I'm halfway there, and I slip on a patch of ice and fall onto the street. I swear I pulled at least ten muscles and got a nice sized bruise on my hip and another on my knee. I'm then half tempted just to frickin' leave everything there and just limp home without my homework, but I know that I can't, so I have to heave myself up back onto my feet, with my backpack still on my back, and my books still in my arms. By the time I got home, my arms were trembling from the weight and my legs were about ready to give out, but I finally made it through the door and I pretty much just dumped it all on the staircase. I haven't even changed out of my boots yet, I just hobbled to the computer.
So that was my most recent story. Trust me, there's more where that came from.
Let's talk about exams and my schedual for this weekend. I have to work pretty much nonstop, making flash cards for everything and taking notes on what I need to study for each subject. Six exams. Six subjects. Six sets of notes. At LEAST six sets of flash cards. And the sucky part is that I can't NOT study or my parents will kill me and I can't procrastinate this stuff or I will never be able to pass, and THEN my parent's will kill me. So either, I go through this torture this weekend and get it over with, or get grounded from now until my birthday. I think you know which one I'm going to choose.
So I guess I won't be able to post all weekend, but come Monday, I'll continue to keep you updated (if I'm still alive by then).
Dreading walking again,
PS; A big happy birthday shout out to my brother! Eleven years old this Sunday!
PPS; Did I mention that Saturday night and Sunday morning will be filled with four fifth grade boys laughing and screaming and running everywhere? Bring on the Asprin...
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
It's Not A Hangover, I Promise
I had so much fun last night, but now I feel sick to my stomach and I don't think I can even talk. I also have the beginnings of a headache and don't really feel like studying, even though I know I have to otherwise I'll pretty much just die later. So.....
Last night, details, right... Okay, so my friends and I had kinda like a party, only it was only four of us. We played Guitar Hero III and danced to funky music and had this strobe light thing going on.... it was fun. I didn't end up sleeping until two last night, but hey, I missed them all a lot so it was good to see them again.
I should probably run through my script today as well as study.... ug.... truthfully and honestly, I just want to go back to bed......
About ready to say 'screw it all!',
Last night, details, right... Okay, so my friends and I had kinda like a party, only it was only four of us. We played Guitar Hero III and danced to funky music and had this strobe light thing going on.... it was fun. I didn't end up sleeping until two last night, but hey, I missed them all a lot so it was good to see them again.
I should probably run through my script today as well as study.... ug.... truthfully and honestly, I just want to go back to bed......
About ready to say 'screw it all!',
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