Wednesday, July 23, 2008

interesting stuff... NOT

so today was actually a good day!
besides having an annoying dentist appointment, i got to hang out in the band room for an hour, hangout with my two best friends all day, and NOT have to do homework!
i really like the homework actually (please don't be cruel), so i'm happy that i get to work on it tomorrow.

so yeah.
no cavities, but unfortunately i was criticized about my lack of flossing.
so along with fixing my posture, i really wanna start remembering to floss.

wow, this seems like a really boring post, talking about dentist appointments and non-eventful hanging out, so i'm going to go back to my grey's anatomy and stop boring all of you.

just remember, it's either this boring catch up stuff, or ranting about my love life.
until something interesting happens, my future posts might be more like this.
but whatever.

waiting to see mcdreamy again,

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