Friday, July 18, 2008


i can't even begin to explain just what i'm feeling right now.
normally words like, 'lonely' or 'frustrated' would work, but even those don't fit right now.
i just feel...
dead alone.
and it's all my fault i'm feeling this way.
actually, no it's not.
it's not my fault that all he did was try to make out with me.
it's not my fault that i felt smothered and angry.
it's not my fault that i feel like i need someone there to JUST FREAKIN' HOLD ME WITHOUT TRYING TO KISS ME!!!
it's not my fault that his ex is always gonna be there.
and it's definitely not my fault that he's not responding to texts.

so you know what?
*wipes tears angrily from face*
i'm SICK of this.
i'm DONE crying.
i'm DONE thinking about him.
and i'm DONE with this whole situation.

and even though i'm heartbroken that i can't see the full moon tonight, i know it's there.
and i hope that maybe tonight, God will answer my prayers and finally send me my summer boys to make all of this go away.
*squeezes eyes shut*

wanting nothing more to do with boys (they're better as friends),


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