Monday, December 10, 2007

Unwanted Snow Days

So today we had a snow day, which would normally be wholeheartedly welcomed, but today was supposed to be the One Act auditions! I'm so mad! Well, now I have more time to memeorize my monologue, but still! I was all excited and now I have to do tomorrow's homework b/c if I don't, I'll never get it all done. We had better have school tomorrow!!! I want to audition so bad and just get it over with! I'm so nervous!

On another note, one of my best friends is in love with a guy who is moving very far away. The guy just found out like a day or two ago and he's moving there like NOW! Who's parents do that?! Anyway, so yesterday Claire and I did a lot of comforting and I felt so bad.

Well, I should probably get back to homework.

Getting more and more nervous by the second,


1 comment:

Clay said...

can you really call it a snow day? i mean, come on! it is only ice! i barely see any snow! ah well. i wanted to audition today to... but oh well. now i can look for a monologue as well. ^_^