Thursday, December 13, 2007

An Actual Good Thursday!

So today was one of the few Thursdays that I actually enjoyed! I got the results of my band auditions back and I got to Symphonic Band!!!! YEY!!!! I'm super excited as long as the music isn't hard and I'm NOT first chair!! I don't think I could handle being first chair in Symphonic Band. Way too much pressure.

Also today I found out that I did really well on my auditions for One Acts (thanks Jim for completely making my day with that!!!)!!!! So now I think I can actually act, something that I never thought to try before. I mean, I thought about it, but it was always someone else's thing. I was one of the writers, not one of the actors, but in highschool I guess you can be both! I can't wait to find out what part I got!

However, on the down side, I also found out that I might get the part my bestest friend is trying out for. I didn't even ask to be assigned that role! I feel really bad about it and I hope I don't get it, but if I do, I'M SO SORRY!!! I TRUELY DIDN'T TRY TO GET THAT PART!!!!!

So anyway, now I get to go to work and get away from the madness that is my home life. My brother failed yet another quiz and my dad wasn't in a good mood to begin with. I'm so sick of my successes being overstaged by his failures. Ah well. I get to talk to Dad on the way to work, so I guess I'll finish my news then.

I've got an open note quiz tomorrow (I'll ace it) and a presentation to give in French (might need some work, but not a whole lot). Wish me luck!

Looking forward to seeing my students,


1 comment:

Clay said...

KRAMER IS BEING STUBORN! you will know what i mean in ten minutes....

yeah... so, symphonic band! i am so exited! ^_^

it will be fine. according to kramer, what i got from it was that neither of us or one of us didn't get what we wanted. we will just have to see. ^_^