Monday, July 16, 2007

I'm Back!

I'm officially back from camping! Yay! I had fun, but the whole trip was longer than it needed to be. Next time, I think we should spend two nights tops, and leave the dog with a neighbor. It feels so good to be home! I showered for a good forty five minutes as soon as I entered the doorway. It felt so good! Now I can stay up as late as I want and sleep in as late as I want! It feels great to have these freedoms again!

I had flag corps practice tonight too, and had tons of fun! Our captain is back from vacation, and put a smile on all of our faces! We were having a great time trying to work on the new moves and our hands were black by the end of practice. It was worth the five minute scrubbing I had to do when I got home!

Feeling good,


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